
Hemp plants being grown in a backyard garden near a white picket fence

How Homegrown Hemp Can Improve Your Life

The market for hemp is blooming. Since the cultivation of hemp plants was legalized in the 2018 Farm Bill, we’ve seen a steady incline in production, consumption, and general buzz about this powerful plant. From skincare to tinctures to clothing and even food, hemp is being grown for hundreds of...

Top 10 Tools For Sleeping Outside

Top 10 Tools For Sleeping Outside

Ah, fall. It’s a time for exploring nature, playing in the leaves, laughing, and sleeping under the stars. There’s nothing more quintessentially fall than spending a night outdoors, and we’re here to tell you that you can still get a good night’s sleep doing it! Whether you’re going on an epic...

How To Get The Benefits Of Being In Nature No Matter Where You Live

How To Get The Benefits Of Being In Nature No Matter Where You Live

Studies show that people who spend more time in nature have lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and tend to live longer. Getting outdoors has also been shown to help reduce the effects of PTSD, alleviate stress, and improve our mental health. Women’s Health Magazine describes just...