Forbes Q&A - Five Questions With TJ Stouder: CEO Of HOLISTIK Wellness

I’m originally from Indiana, where most of my family still resides. After graduating from Notre Dame, I decided time to see the world and spent over a decade with Procter and Gamble learning about how to build a brand a consumer can trust. The number 1 thing I came away with is that in business, consumer is king! My professional cannabis journey began shortly after leaving P&G in 2017, though I was a long time consumer and didn’t understand the negative stigma around the plant. I truly started learning about the full potential of the broad spectrum of cannabinoids, out of necessity as my mom needed the push. After hearing the stigma first hand from her when I suggested trying it, I set out to change her mind. After six months of effort, it paid off, and I realized, consumers need a brand to do the hard work for them and help explain how and why this plant should be a part of our everyday lives.